Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Had a good Valentine's Day with Matty. I got him a double edge razor because he wants to phase out disposable razors to save money and a Feel So Moon shirt like from the Space Brothers PV. He got me some lipstick I'd been hinting about, a hedgehog scarf and shirt (for post-pregnancy), and a stuffed hedgehog.

We went out and ate at Cheeburger Cheeburger and used our Groupon. The shakes were delicious and I regret nothing. Then we went to Whole Foods as per tradition and got 2 dozen roses for $19.99. They are very lovely. :D

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I need to find a cute, inexpensive, yet nice rug for Bina's room. This is proving very difficult.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My ribs are dead

Bina is killing me today. I feel like my ribs are broken on my right side...

Didn't do much work on Bina's room tonight with my ribs and the fact I have an assignment due tomorrow and I needed to work on it. Work has been too busy for me to sneak any homework in!

Bins are slowly being organized and filled...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Bina the Destroyer

Making slow progress on Bina's room. She's learned she can destroy my entire inside instead of just a small section down low so it's been special these last few days.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

End of the Weekend Accomplishments

Today Matt started making me a rack for all my nail polish. Right now it's haphazardly placed in a bin and very difficult to find what you need. He also put up new shelf holders in Bina's room that will hold a closet rod. I am crafting a cute closet rod out of a PVC pipe (cosplay reject item) and fabric. It's drying right now, but I think it looks pretty cute!

Random Picture: My Arpakasso collection. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Baby clothes are so cute!

Went shopping today and found two cute dresses for the baby. I love TJ Maxx. There are so many cute things out there. We also found her two outfits for sleeping at Goodwill that were barely used.

Also got materials for Matt to make me a rack for all my nail polish as well as something to make a shelf have a closet pole so we can hang Bina's clothes.

Friday, February 8, 2013

28 Weeks Checkup

Had my glucose test today. It wasn't nearly as terrible as everyone said. My drink was fruit punch flavored and I downed it pretty fast. Should know the results Monday. If they don't call, everything is good.

Also had my first rhogam shot since I'm AB- and Matt is A+. Damn him and not being negative!